Thysbelon.Logo of a Hummingbird moth.

Talking About My Inspirations

An illustration of me looking at three book covers.

Hello! Today I'm going to talk a bit more about why I chose the designers that I did in my previous post.

I mentioned that my favorite cover in the collection was Everything Matters!. The first thing I like about this cover is that it uses only four colors. Whenever I draw, I always try to limit the number of colors I use, and I really like character designs that use only three colors. Designs like these are simple and memorable.


Designers that Inspire Me

The cover of the book Everything Matters

Hello, this is my first blog post!

As part of my first assignment in Digital Design, I was told to pick three designers from the AIGA Design Archives that inspire me. It was hard to choose when there was so much material, but I really liked the book covers, so I choose my designers from there.

The designers I chose were Isaac Tobin, John Fullbrook III, and Rodrigo Corral. My favorite design was the cover of Everything Matters! As you may be...

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