Thysbelon.Logo of a Hummingbird moth.

If you're learning marketing and you're worried you're not good enough, know you're better than these Klonoa ads

Two magazine ads for Klonoa, a mascot platforming game. The first ad has a greyscale photo of two adults kissing. The second ad has large text that says: Quite possibly the only thing weirder than your sister.

I just finished my marketing course, which was required for my itech degree. I've always been wary of business, so I was worried that I wouldn't "get" marketing at all. I had no idea what to write in my paper... then I remembered something that gave me confidence; these advertisements.

Someone was paid to come up with these.

So, no matter how little I know about marketing, I still know more than these paid designers who worked for a prominent game company, so I think that's a pretty good accomplishment. 😊

The Origin Of Every Kirby Song on the Kirby or Touhou Song Title Quiz

Kirby and Reimu. Kirby is wearing Reimu's ribbon and holding her gohei. Reimu is holding the star rod.

Last week, I came across a quiz that asks the quizzee, "Is this song title from Kirby or Touhou?". I thought that I would do very well at the quiz, because of how many Kirby songs I know, but I only got 66%. Then I wondered, “Are all of these Kirby songs actually real?” To satisfy my curiosity, I tracked down the source of every song title myself. I made the mistake of doing this before checking to see if...

Android 5.0 Lollipop: the Best Emoji

Smiling face with smiling eyes emoji.

I've never been that big of a fan of most emoji. Apple popularized the the use of gradients in emoji, but I think it just looks so ugly 😕. Gradients look nice in a background, but the moment they're put into a character design they just look tacky. The reason I like flat colors so much is because they don't have any ugly gradients, they're easy to draw✏, and they're easy to read at small sizes 🙋.

Lots of emoji use...

Trouble with Spacing Objects Evenly in Illustrator

A hummingbird moth sitting in front of a computer and looking frustrated.

Today, I was working on the social media ads for RCP and I needed to space out the numbers in "1,500,000,000". I first clicked "create outlines" so I could move the individual digits around. I knew there had to be a tool to space them automatically, but I didn't know where it was or how to use it. Following a guide I found online titled "How to Evenly Space Objects in Illustrator", I selected my objects, then clicked "Horizontal Distribute Space" in the Align window.
Nothing happened. I tried again and again; Did I select the objects wrong? Eventually, on a whim, I decided to ungroup the objects. It worked perfectly. Illustrator has good tools, but it's frustrating when they're so unintuitive.

New Color Scheme

Illustration of a hummingbird moth wearing a beret and holding a palette and paintbrush.

I spent a lot of time this week reading the
web accessibility tutorials at MDN and trying to make my website more accessible. I changed the tags, categories, navbar, related posts, and archive to list elements, to make them better for screen readers. I also adjusted the color palette of my website to meet the WCAG AA accessibility guidelines. I'm happy I was able to come up with a color scheme that is both more accessible, and is prettier than the one I had before.

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