Thysbelon.Logo of a Hummingbird moth.

Kirby Canvas Curse Music May Be IDM

I love the aesthetics of Kirby: Canvas Curse. One might think that a game about travelling into a world of paintings would have an art style matching the Renaissance or Impressionism, and have orchestral music; but Canvas Curse embodies the true spirit of art: experimentation. The user interface is geometric abstraction, sprites of characters appear to be pre-rendered 3d, and the art style of the level background changes constantly from level to level.

The music is electronic; but while most electronic music may have a focus on bass and sawtooths, Canvas Curse focuses on high pitch, tinny, slightly wet sounds (reminiscent of water splashing and bubbling).
I haven't heard much music like it (though I don't often go out of my way to listen to new music). However, there's one song I've heard that strongly reminds me of Canvas Curse's music: TECHDOG by Patricia Taxxon from the album TECHDOG 1. TECHDOG is very different from Canvas Curse music, it's much more atonal for example, but the instruments have that tinniness and wetness. Patricia Taxxon is very good at making intricate and lovely soundscapes.
TECHDOG 1 is tagged as "IDM" and "Glitch" on Bandcamp. Maybe the Canvas Curse soundtrack can also be described as IDM? Most of Canvas Curse's music doesn't fall into the Glitch genre, except for Drawcia Soul.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I recommend listening to the TECHDOG anthology, it's very good. Have a nice day 😃.
