Thysbelon.Logo of a Hummingbird moth.

Liquid Sunshine (Splatoon 3) N163 Chiptune Cover

(This music cannot yet be played on the home page. Please click on the post link.)

This cover would not have been possible without this music splitter AI.

I started messing around with using wavetable synth to replicate human vowel sounds in 3/25/2023. I liked the result so much, I wanted to make a cover using it. The music video for Liquid Sunshine released not too long after, and it had on-screen lyrics! (though, Nintendo of America's romanized lyrics have many glaring inaccuracies) I started making my cover on April 5th, and finished on April 22nd.

I also experimented with stereo audio. Square 1 is panned hard left, square 2 hard right, wave 1 a little left, and wave 2 a little right.

Download project files.
