Thysbelon.Logo of a Hummingbird moth drawn with angular lines.

How to Play Custom Songs in Vib-Ribbon on an Emulator

Vibri, a rabbit character made of straight lines.

Vib-Ribbon is a game that released on the PS1 in 1999, and the PS3 and PS Vita in 2014. It has an innovative feature that allows players to insert their own Music CD into their PlayStation, and play a level generated from that CD. Players occasionally use a PC emulator to play their copy of the game so they can see 4K graphics, among other things, but the available guides on how to play custom songs on an emulator tell the reader to download disc burning software, which is completely uneccessary, because the Audio CD format is more simple than they think.

Different emulators support different file types. For example, DuckStation only supports Audio CD wav files with the file extension ".bin". Audio CD wav is a specific format that is different from the standard wav. I recommend using VLC Media Player for all audio file converting purposes; because it is a great and stable media player. Simply click Media > Convert / Save..., add files, then under Profile, click "Audio - CD", or whatever audio format you want to convert to.

If you're converting all your files to wav, you may find yourself quickly losing space on your hard drive because wav is an uncompressed format. If you want to compress your songs while still being able to play them in DuckStation, you can use chdman, a command-line program that comes with MAME, to compress them to chd.

Converting many audio files to Audio CD format in this way will take a lot of time, so I wrote a script to speed up the process. You will still need to install VLC and (optionally) chdman to use this script, because it's nothing more than a shortcut to do the steps I already told you about. You can download the script at my GitHub repository.

Vibri font by SonicFontsHD