初めまして!僕はシズビロンです。下の名前「デイナ」。Interactive Technologiesを当分勉強してるアメリカ人大学生です。プログラミングとテクが大好き、それらを使って芸術を作るのも大好きです。主な興味は:
- ディジタル・デザイン
- Webプログラミング
- デジタル・アート
- デジタル写真
- ロゴ
- 二つの3Dモデル
- デザインブリーフ
- 三つのSNS広告
- デザイン思考
- Illustratorを使い方
- Photoshopのビデオタイムラインを使い方
- フィードバックで新しいデザインの繰り返しを作り方
- 手動制御のカメラを使う
- Camera RawとPhotoshopで写真を修正する
僕はこのウェブサイト全体を自分で設計してコーディングしたよ! I use Jekyll to automatically update the homepage and navbar whenever I make a change. I type out pages using HTML, and try to make them as accessible as possible. I use CSS to customize the appearance of my website exactly the way I want it to be. I don't use much javascript on this website, because I want this website to be accessible to people who leave javascript off by default, either to stay safe or to shut out annoying distractions.
I love learning new things about web development, and I'm always trying to improve my website!
Why the name “Thysbelon?”

I chose my name because of the Hummingbird Clearwing Moth, whose scientific name is Hemaris thysbe. I first heard about this animal on the internet, and I always loved the way it looked. To me, it was one of those wonderful animals you hear about and you love, even though you'll probably never see one in person. That is, until the day I did see one in person, hovering around a flower bush. I was overjoyed! Apparently, they live close to me. From then on, it became my favorite local animal; and when I was trying to think of animals to use for a name, I knew it was the one.
The "lon" part doesn't mean anything; I just wanted to make sure no-one confused my name for the real moth.
Where You Can Find Me
You can find me on Twitter and GitHub @Thysbelon. If you have any questions for me, or feedback about the site, please message me on Twitter.